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Dear homepage visitor,
Welcome to visit our website. In order to have a comprehensive understanding of KUHNAST's products, please carefully read the product webpage or download the relevant product page to your computer for reading.
We hope that you can contact us via email for detailed requirements and further serve you through an email list, which includes your complete address.
In order to comprehensively respond to market demand, product categories will be updated in 2023, and multifunctional ultraviolet radiation meters will be launched one after another. The more intelligent UV Radiometer III products will serve your advanced process.
UV measurement: Based on the application or customized according to customer requirements, we provide UV lamp performance monitoring instruments for the following fields;
UV curing: Wherever people use UV radiation and continuously monitor radiators, it is necessary to ensure the use of our instruments.

Some questions about product trading:

Payment method: PayPal, Alipay, WeChat, Payoneer

Delivery: EXW, delivered worldwide through DHL, with online pricing including shipping cost (CIF).

If you have any other outstanding issues, please send us an email.

We look forward to your contact.